
Let vs Var

Before the 6th edition of the ecmascript specification in javascript you could only declare function-scoped variables with . allows to declare block-scoped variables. let var…


A promise is an object that is a placeholder of a deferred computation. Invariants a promise is in one of 3 mutually exclusive states: fulfilled, rejected or pending a promise…

Strict Mode

Opt-in using the pragma Applied to the top of a function makes the whole function run in strict mode. Applied to the top of a script makes the whole script run in strict mode. es…

Object and Types

Js is an object-oriented language where objects can be connect and share properties. Objects can be constructed using constructor functions. A constructor is a function that…

What's This?

This is a keyword that class-based object oriented languages(e.g. Java) use to get a reference of current object instantiated from a class. In javascript, it is used to emulate…

Es6 Modules

Introduced with the 6th edition of the ecmascript specification, modules introduce a native way to segment the code in chunks. The api of an es6 module is static: imports/exports…