Es6 Modules

Introduced with the 6th edition of the ecmascript specification, modules introduce a native way to segment the code in chunks.

The api of an es6 module is static:

  • imports/exports can only be defined at the top level
  • once defined these bindings cannot be changed.
  • they are singleton, one instance per module. The modules are loaded using a default loader or a custom one.

General Features

  • Code inside a module is always run in strict-mode.
  • imports/ exports are statically defined, cant be conditional.
  • Modules have still access to the global object of the environment and its properties.


To import a module an import statement is required.

the module specifier (the string after from) has to be a string literal.

In (only chrome so far) browsers modules can be inlined using the syntax:

  <script type="module"> export default 42;</script>