Object and Types

Js is an object-oriented language where objects can be connect and share properties. Objects can be constructed using constructor functions.

A constructor is a function that, if invoked with new keyword, returns an instance.

Technically every function but lambdas can be a constructor.

Each constructor has a property named prototype that is used to implement prototype-based inheritance.

An object has an internal property that links to the prototype chain and property look-ups are done going-up the prototype chain.

Primitive Types

The language defines the following primitive types:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null
  • undefined
  • object
  • Symbol

Note that string, number, boolean, null and undefined are not themselves objects. string, number, boolean have Boxed types for ease of use.

null and undefined have no wrapper form.

undefined is a property of the global object that cannot be modified(in es6). any reference that has not been assigned has value undefined.


  • is not a property of the global object
  • is not an object even tho typeof null === "object" (its a well known bug)
  • it is the last node of the prototype chain of every descendant of Object.

Property Descriptors

Introduced in ES5, these attrbutes describe the

Attribute nameTypeDescription
[[Value]]anythe value retrieved by this property
[[Writable]]boolif false the [[Value]] cant be changed
[[Enumerable]]boolif false property wont show up in for.. in loops
[[Configurable]]boolif false prop cant be deleted nor its property descriptors mutated

Attempts at forbidden modification given configurable and/or writable are silently ignored in lazy mode and cause errors in strict.

A prop declared [[Configurable]] false cant be changed to true later. It is a one-way operation.

Accessor properties

[[Get]] [[Set]] are functions that are called as accessors, mutators.

Default values

Property Descriptordefault value


Object.defineProperty<T>(obj: T, prop: string, descr: descrObject): T

  const obj = {};

      value: 42, 
      writable: false, 
      configurable: false, 
      enumerable: true

Seal, Freeze, PreventExtensions

  1. Object.preventExtensions(obj);: it is not possible to add new properties to obj
  2. Object.seal(obj): like 1. but every existing prop has configurable set to false
  3. Object.freeze(obj): like 2. but every prop has writable set to false


Objects in js hae an internal property [[Prototype]] that links them to another object.

Whenever a property is looked-up in an object, if it not present it is looked up recursively in the prototype chain and if present it is returned otherwise undefined is the reuslt of the look up.

Similarly in a for..in iteration all the prop in the chain are returned.

At the top of most chains is Object.prototype, this object includes most common util methods.


Whenever a prop that is already defined on the prototype chain is defined on an object the following occurs:

  1. If that prop is marked as writable: false an error is thrown is strict or is silently ignored.

  2. If that prop is a mutator (set) the function is always callled no shadowing occurs.

  3. if the previous conditions are not met, the object is successfully added to the object and it shadows the prop defined in the prototype chain.