
Flow Links

A collection of links about Flow: a static type checker for JavaScript that uses annotations to improve the quality of your code. It is developed by Facebook and is commonly used…

Let vs Var

Before the 6th edition of the ecmascript specification in javascript you could only declare function-scoped variables with . allows to declare block-scoped variables. let var…


A promise is an object that is a placeholder of a deferred computation. Invariants a promise is in one of 3 mutually exclusive states: fulfilled, rejected or pending a promise…

Strict Mode

Opt-in using the pragma Applied to the top of a function makes the whole function run in strict mode. Applied to the top of a script makes the whole script run in strict mode. es…

Object and Types

Js is an object-oriented language where objects can be connect and share properties. Objects can be constructed using constructor functions. A constructor is a function that…

Dom api dimesions

A collection of links and brief descriptions of API used to query the dimensions of DOM elements using the javascript DOM api. border-box vs content-box box model visualized…

Http Semantics

HTTP is a stateless protocol used to transfer informations in a server-client model. It defines a set of methods for CRUD operations and additional methods and is the main…

Http Syntax

Http is a stateless application level protocol that uses a request-response model. It operates by exchanging messages across a reliable transport(TCP) or session-layer…

URI (Uniform resource identifier)

A string that identifies a resource according to a schema. super-type of: URL: defines the means to access a resource(e.g webisite page). URN: defines a unique resource in a…

What's This?

This is a keyword that class-based object oriented languages(e.g. Java) use to get a reference of current object instantiated from a class. In javascript, it is used to emulate…

Es6 Modules

Introduced with the 6th edition of the ecmascript specification, modules introduce a native way to segment the code in chunks. The api of an es6 module is static: imports/exports…